Buddhist Healing Practice


It’s a given that coming from being a hard-core atheist, I would have a lot to learn about the world’s seven great religions. It’s not to say that atheists don’t know about these things, but it’s unlikely that most have gone into any great depth of study. I don’t like to speak in terms of absolutes, so allow me to add the disclaimer that there are always exceptions to the rule.

Along my journey out of the abyss of atheism, I recently attended a gathering of about 20 men and women from employees from local Raleigh towing companies to bio engineers for a Buddhist Healing Practice. Never having had an experience of this nature, I was curious, but nothing more. Ailments from the physical to the mental were addressed and the only requirement on my part in attending was to keep an open mind.

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Running On AutoPilot

sleeping cat

In between heaving dead cats the other day I came across several videos that explained why some days I want to heave dead cats more than other days. (In all actuality, I would not heave a dead cat if it bit me.) With my purr ball Roxie snuggled next to me, I perused Youtube and found a very insightful explanation of one of the most common of all human conditions. Most of us run on autopilot. We limit ourselves to patterns of thought. We restrict ourselves to merely thinking rather than choosing.

Life always gives us some form of limitation. What is abundantly clear is how we choose to deal with it, and how conscious will comes into play. The other day I was watching a neighbor’s house get a new roof. Apparently, the roofer didn’t require his crew to wear safety equipment. They looked capable enough, but one false step and it would be a thirty foot drop. Limitations are sometimes for our own good, and if we are paying the least bit of attention, we learn to know when to put on the safety gear and when to decide we don’t need it.

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